Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Black Cat - An Omen of Bad Luck?

OK.  So another random post here.  It ain't poetry, philosophies or even news, I just thought I'd right about an experience I had the other night.  So a bit of a strange one, I was carrying my 2 year old niece down the stairs after she had made it quite clear to me she wasn't ready to go to sleep in her cot yet, and I see this weird Black Shape through the other side of the door.  I opened it (the door) with my niece in my arms and right there in front of us there was this slightly overweight Black Cat with the most piercing green eyes.  I said to my niece "look at that naughty cat going in your garden" and how right was I.  I thought to myself it's either going to be an omen of good luck or bad luck.  It came in threes...

I got to the train station yesterday, with barely enough for my train fare may I add.  So being the chancer I am -  I got a 5p permit.  Something which actually went alright for me, I got to the train station with 4 pennies other than my fare and I did find through a hole in my pocket another penny; and a citizen kind enough to exchange these pennies for the 5p piece I needed for the metre.  Although I will add I did lose my original 20p I was going to use, thought I had it, but got to the station it was gone.  Enough about that though, carrying on.  I'm not counting that.

1.)So I decided to get off a few stations later to try and pull of my scam, in a little place called Welywn North.  My plan was I'd go to the ticket office and buy a ticket from Finsbury park (London) to my destination.  Getting to the ticket office though I found myself arguing with an aged Asian with terrible bloodshot in his right eye.  I said to him "I need a ticket from Highbury & Islington (The place i'd mistaken for Finsbury Park) to my destination, I'm getting picked up from outside you see that's why I'm not buying a ticket from here".  He answered me "What do you mean? Highbury & Islington is an underground station.  You can't get a ticket from an underground station to an overground station (my destination).  I don't understand you".  I walked off angrily not noticing my own error getting back on the train.  I reached Kings Cross and had to pay full whack.  My whole £40.

2.)This was my first instance of bad luck, my second came about 25 mins later.  I made it through the tube alright, but getting out of there - what a wally! I got to the ticket booth and I only went and lost my ticket  didn't I.  So I tried my ticket to get back, that wouldn't work either.  Why you might ask?  It was a Children's ticket, I picked up the wrong one.  What a wally!  So anyway I'm stuck behind the gates at Waterloo underground with people constantly walking past me, i'm searching my pockets frantically to no avail and i'm thinking to myself 'what am I gonna do?'. 'I'm gonna have to run through after someone I thought'.  I didn't in the end though thank god.  I found my ticket in the middle of a bit of paper I'd earlier scribbled my rap lyrics on.  But this wasn't the end of my bad luck.

3.)I got to Waterloo station, I found my train, well... actually I wasn't quite sure.  So I got on this train to Portsmouth it was leaving in about 15 minutes, and i wasn't sure if this was the right train.  I walked off the train checking my phone and slip, bye bye phone.  I looked down and there it was under the train.  My only means of contact with my greeting party who would of picked me up, gone (they all thought I'd been arrested for trying to dodge my train fair, can you believe that?).  So what do I do now I thought?  I got on the train it was the right one, but my problem now was I'd reach my destination lost with no money.  I wasn't in the end (lost) and as for money - I did what any smart crack-head would - I opened one of the Bday cards in my bag I was supposed to deliver to my cousin for his Birthday.  Just enough to get the bus.

Conclusion - The end of my bad luck it seemed - I got to my brothers alright, my destination.  I told him my story, I said to him 'bad luck comes in threes'.  He said to me "well Man Utd better not lose".  Not my bad luck, but it was his, my cousins and uncles (the latter two had lost £20 on bets), three people.  So it would seem bad luck does in fact come in three's and Black Cats are an omen for misfortune.  All a coincidence? I think not.

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